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The purpose of this ring is to assist viewers to locate information regarding Numismatics.
If you are unfamiliar with Web Rings, they link together different Internet sites. A person finding The NumismaticRing logo can visit every member's site, without having to use a search engine or know the other sites' Internet location (URL).

NusmismaticRing has been designed to provide longterm information on coins to visitors and to evolve into the largest possible virtual coin cabinet. Every ring member will do his best to provide information on the coins he displays on the net.
Private collectors usually own and keep the coins they display on their web sites and specific information can hence be asked anytime. As dealers sell the coins displayed, specific rules apply :
- dealers picture over 80% of the coins they offer for the pre-industrial period
- dealers give scientific data on every coin (wheight, at least, die-axis and diameter if possible)
- dealers keep the pictures on line forever so any picture can be used as a reference in scientific publications.
- dealers add a very strong links page not only to other dealers but also to scientific institutions and information ressources or add informative texts (if there is no links page)
- all ring members commit themselves to answer relevant questions sent by visitors.
- all ring members have a liberal copyright policy enabling easy referenced use by individuals, scholars or scientific organisations.

For a detailed example of such kind of a copyright, refer for instance to :

Applications and enquiries wellcomed by ringmaster at

Why Join A Web Ring?

There are several reasons why you might want to join a web ring:
  • To get more people to visit your site.
  • To get visitors at your site who were unaware of your site.
  • To help expose the casual "web surfer" to a wider variety of subject matter.
  • As the ring expands, you get to visit many more new sites.
  • Being associated with other sites dealing with the same subject: Numismatics

Fill out the form to Submit your site to NumismaticRing

Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You will receive all the informations by E-mail to add the HTML code on your page.

This NumismaticRing site owned by CGB - Numismatique.
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